Digital Photography Basics - Practical Travel Photography Tips
Digital Photography Basics - Practical Travel Photography Tips
There are many great digital photography basics tips and advice available but these practical travel photography tips are not about how to take a photo. They are about the practical aspects of taking a camera and photographic props with you on your travels.Most people like to take photographs when traveling. Travel photographs add to our travel experience. They trigger our memories when we are back and help us to communicate our travel experience to our friends and family.There are few practical digital photography basics things to consider, like how to keep our photographic equipments save and how to store our photos while traveling.Keeping Your Camera Equipment Safe While Traveling first thing to consider is how to keep your camera and your other photography props save. To take a photograph you need your camera. However you should try to draw as little attention as possible to you and your camera when traveling or taking pictures.
Keep your camera on a strap around your neck when taking the photo but when you are finished put your camera away out of sight. You can get great specialized camera bags to store your camera and photography props. Some feel special cameras bags draw unnecessary attention to their camera equipments and prefer different storage for their photography props.Whatever you choose to do... just make sure you can store your camera out of sight when not using it. Don't walk around all day with it dangling around your neck, or even worse... loose in your hand.Never leave your camera on your table, thieves are often opportunists and can be extremely quick at crabbing things and running... so don't tempt them. When sitting down, digital photography basics recommend to secure your camera bag safely, e.g. put your chair over the straps.You don't only have to worry about your camera equipment being stolen when traveling. You also have to protect your camera equipments from the elements, i.e. sun, rain, wind, sand, etc. This is another good reason for storing your camera in a closed bag when not using it. You might want to put your camera and photography props in watertight bags as well when close to water.Sand is especially dangerous to camera equipments so be extra careful when taking your camera with you down to the beach. Sand gets easily into your camera body and can be almost impossible to get out again.Storing Your Photos While Traveling Depending on how long you are traveling and how many photos you take but most of us fill easily our camera memory card when traveling... even more than once.Memory cards are getting "bigger" all the time and you can store increased number of quality photos on them. Digital photography basics knows that there are few things more annoying than running out of space for taking more photos when traveling... well at least for those that love their photos.It's though not only about freeing space, it's also important backup if your camera gets lost, stolen or damaged. It is a good habit (whether you are traveling or not) to download your images on to your laptop or photo storage device every night so you have enough space on your memory card next time you need your camera.There are many different portable photo backup and storage devices available to choose from. The simplest solution is to buy extra large memory card as prices have fallen considerable and they are easy and light to travel with. Same applies about high capacity USB drive, they are light, easy and cheap option.For those that need even more space there are many options of portable photo backup devices available. These portable photo backups contain hard disks for bulk storage and have memory card slots so transferring the photos is quick and easy. They are however battery powered and take a little bit more space though there are extremely compact versions available.Finally in most countries you can find photo stores where you can transfer pictures from your memory card to a CD. You can find more digital photography basics tips and advice on Top Travel Tips.
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