3 Reasons To Refinance Your Car Loan
3 Reasons To Refinance Your Car Loan
Most people know that they can refinance their house, but fewer know that it's possible to refinance a car loan, too! It's become extremely popular in recent years. And it might seem like a silly idea, since most car loan terms are short--typically three to five years. However, it can be a good idea, since:IT MAY LOWER YOUR INTEREST Rate If you got your car loan when rates were high, you may be able to get a lower rate now.
Or perhaps, when you first obtained your car loan, your credit was less-than-perfect. If you've managed to improve your credit score over the past year or so, you may now qualify for the lower rate. And a lower interest rate means less cost to you over time. Even dropping your rate by 1-2% can mean significant savings over the life of your loan.IT'S USUALLY CHEAP Many car loan lenders that will refinance your loan don't charge any fees. That means no application fees, no fees for paying off your first loan early, and no other extra charges. So in many cases, refinancing your car loan won't cost you anything at all! And if you refinance for a lower rate, that's like saving money for free.IT'S EASY TO Obtain Although you will have to go through a credit check, there are lots of lenders out there who will help bad credit borrowers refinance a car loan. And many of these lenders are available online, which means very little paperwork, almost instant approval and a no-hassle application process! In fact, online lenders are typically more flexible when it comes to interest rates and fees, which means more savings for you. Chances are a quick Internet search will turn up hundreds of lenders who want to help you refinance your car loan and save money. Here is a list of recommended Auto Refinance Lenders online. It's important to use a reputable lender online to make sure your personal information is secure.Although most lenders won't charge you any fees to refinance your car loan, it is possible you'll have to pay to have the title of your car changed. So ask about any of these extra costs first to ensure the savings is worth the expense.
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